Sunday, March 21, 2010

Still Cleaning

The studio is still in the throws of being re-organized. Or perhaps, actually organized. Well, organized for this incarnation, for it actually "comes together and falls apart" [a quote from Pema Chodron] over and over again. What I noticed last night is that the paper I have falls into a few categories: For Scrapbooking; Visual Reference Material; Collage Material; Business Materials; Project Outlines; Stationary; Loose Journal Entries; Other Writing; Blog Reference Material; and Dead Files that I keep but cannot recall why. Additionally, the Visual Reference Material tends to go stale as it is subject to trends that once incorporated in my world view, are no longer necessary to hold onto. Some reference material of that nature is also repetitive, as I tend to collect the things I'm drawn to over and over: eyes, cats, bats, chandeliers, far-away places and cool clothing. The point is to collect far less of it and move on. Thankfully, most of what I had can be let go or was recycling on its way out the door to begin with.

The objects I have, while many, are not so many and of such significant variety that they are infinite in variety or defy categories or organization. I've been cursing the space, the objects and my self when in fact, once contained, I own a smattering of art & craft supplies that are very enjoyable. I used to think that organization was anathema to creation. It had reached a point where disorganization was preventing me from moving forward as an artist as well as a person. It feels really good to make decisions and start looking at less.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Studio Cleaning: Before

A Second Pair of Eyes
Map came over to help clear out the studio for two full days. Having the second pair of well-informed eyes was invaluable.

Best: I told him that it felt like a plug has been pulled on a tub of dirty bathwater. He knows all of my secrets, in fact, he gave most of them to me.

He cleared out the space behind the door. Not only does the door now open, I can walk in, it feels like a room, the sound quality has changed from over-stuffed closet to that of an actual chamber.

He was able to corral and contain my categories: something that would have taken me weeks. I just couldn’t see them any more. Now things are labeled and it feels really good.

No grocery store bags. They cannot be used to organize my stuff. I need clear containers and these containers must be labeled.

Fabric, even the recycled/upcycled, needs to be cut up if necessary and stored by color.

Do not keep art reference books, music cds or completed art projects in the studio. They belong somewhere else.

He kept me focused and did a ton of stuff and had lots of cool suggestions.

Worst: I felt rushed.

I kept hiding crap from him that I didn’t want him to toss or re-purpose or give to somewhere/somebody else.

While I’d just geared up, he was over and done. I can clean for hours and hours. He has about a 2-3 hour window, and then must move on to sitting in coffee shops, talking and reading: endeavors which are fun, but not nearly as productive for me. Know when to call it quits.

He’s afraid that I’m just going to gum up my space again.

Best Insight: That by having so very much stuff around me, the sifting, turning, sorting and re-stacking turns into the enjoyable, creative endeavor for me, rather than the actual production of something useful and/or beautiful. (In the field of clutter control this is called “churning”.) The cleaning becomes the creative endeavor in and of itself. The bottom line is: do I want to paint, collage and sew corsets, dolls, clothing and bags or do I just want to root around in the dust with 4 year old Vogue magazines? It was tough.

Second Best Insight:
I’m carrying my past, my family, my wishes for my long-past future, my lost friends, my dreams and conditions in all of my stuff. I’ve avoided cleaning because to clean is to admit that certain times, eras, ideas and possibilities for my life are over.

Third: That most of my books are completely obsolete and should have been gone from my life years ago. This also shakes me to my core.