Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sew Weekly: Academy Awards

So, this week on the Sew Weekly, the theme is any movie that been up for or won an Academy Award.  I ran through my favorite movies that are in periods that I lean toward: Cold Mountain (no time to make a full corset and a blouse); Roman Holiday - (cute period, but again, waist needs a cinch) 7th Heaven - great silent film, but I don't have the fabric on hand to make that simple frock.  And so it went.  I had to select my movie based on fabric on hand, and I had the poly chiffon and a few yards of lime green silk.  Then, Red Tag fabric went back on sale and I located the same poly chiffon - enough to make a robe.  That sealed the deal: Memoirs of a Geisha.

 I have two different patterns for kimono - Simplicity 4080 and Folkwear 129 already pre-cut.  This should be a snap!
Day One: I cut out all of the pieces I need to Simplicity 4080.  Not bad, and not too many.  Which means I'll have a swanky vintage-looking bombshell houserobe in no time.  Or, at least, under deadline.
These are all of the pieces I didn't need:

After I cut out the silk for the obi, I found some red braid to use as the tie that I thought would be perfect.  We'd used it at our wedding for our hand-fasting, and I figured I'd make good use of it.  Except the instructions say to glue it onto the silk.  I'm not going to do that.  They also say to make a slip knot, but I don't remember what that is.  I looked it up in my trusty Girl Scout Handbook from 1972.  It didn't really explain it there, either.  Here is how to tie the slip knot for Simplicity 4080.

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