Sunday, February 03, 2013

Cross Marking w/ Masking Tape

 I finally found a way to mark grommets that keeps them from going all wonky.  I was able to set 14 in about 1/2 hour today, start to finish.  The punch distressed the silk to some extent, which in turn, distressed me.  It's not too bad, just a noticeable pull in the fabric.  There must be a way to combat that.  Perhaps that's the role of the second grommet bone placement, which I didn't add to this corset.  Live and learn.  Also, note that I used a pressing rag for both marking and for fray checking to cover my work.  Never carry a Q-tip full of fray check across the work!

Just to remind self that on this particular Osborne Setter, the work goes in: Washer (concave-up), then, the work with grommets in it, face up.  One ends up working blind a bit, but going the other way smashes the grommet.  I hate having to test it 6x every time.  Wastes time and grommets.

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