Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wicked Cool Artist

I want to say I’ve been haunted by this woman’s work for at least 10 years, first discovered in a gallery in Vermont?? Hair and flowers all wrapped together in dark wood frames? That just doesn’t sound like something I’d forget, ever. So, when I saw this studio in a borrowed issue of Where Women Create I freaked out a little because it’s amazing and so is she, but when I looked at her work, I really want to say that it’s the same artist I’ve been freaking over for so long. Her web site is eye/soul candy. I just want to kiss her and give her some hair, bones, and gnarly old silk to play with!
I think I nearly remember her name: began with an "R". Rebecca. Yes, Rebecca Purcell. Check out Oganon 9 Worlds. You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Girls

MAP gave me five awesome girly coins today, all vintage with holes already drilled, as they came from far away lands and possibly former jewelry pretties. The countries are: Guatamala 1910; Canada, so worn date is not able to be discerned, Canada 1964; Pakistan 1951; and a faux English Queen Victoria pence. Cute!! Technically, the pretty coin from Pakistan does not have a lady on it, that I can see, but with its Arabic lettering, looks as though it's yearning to be on a dance belt. The girls will be appearing in necklaces in the Etsy Shop soon.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Typewriter Dance - $1.00

Oh, Boy! Oboyoboyoboyoboy!!! I went to the Catholic church rummage sale and came away with a vintage Royal in its orignal case for $1.00. I was so happy, I danced all the way to the Greek Orthodox for some souvlaki and baklava, and then I danced home! What a night full of treasure! Thank-you, Universe!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Spent afternoon drafting new corset. After 5 years, am still so in love with Simplicity Civil War 9769 that I can't leave it alone. Is sort of like being in love with someone who won't have you. It drives me crazy, it doesn't fit, but is silly beautiful, so I figure: I'll just change it! I first scratch-drafted what I think will be a mid-bust corset to fit me. I then studied the pattern to echo my favorite lines (the tummy swoop, the sweet bustline) and changed what didn't work for me at all (the fit, the length, and the lower side front panels got a little more shaping.) I also angled a line or two, so we'll see. I start cutting tonight.
This is my third or fourth corset draft. Is addicting. Any idea I have, I can just throw out there and see what comes of it. They take a while to make up, but the results are so much fun!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Etsy, Forward Ho!

Have definitely noticed the negative backlash-against-Etsy trend in the last year or so. This seems to have picked up momentum this Spring, ('09), which on one hand, is disheartening, in that 'why bother, I'll never make it' vein; and on the other, is sort of worth keeping my eye on, but not letting it rule my path. The grumbles (primarily) spring from the sheer numbers of sellers on Etsy leading to all handiwork simply getting drowned out by the crowd as people list and re-list in an attempt to keep at the top of the search pages, and I reiterate: Etsy is crowded! However, if I'd continued selling on Ebay, as I started out, I may actually be further along right now.
New sites have sprung up as a reaction to the dissatisfaction, more on those tomorrow, as I believe that they are worth watching as well. Yet, something in my gut tells me that leaving Etsy before one even gets in a good toe-hold is not the way to go, either. I think everything is work, whether or not one aspires to be a lawyer, a psychotherapist or an artist. There are a great number of us both on the planet and in this country. It's just the way it is.
In discussions with the Masterminds who help me out, (you know who you are) our feeling is that it is important to start small, and strong. Work your local angle and get known the same way a local band would. Most bands work the local circuit before expanding to the coastline, and only then go national. I think the thought with Etsy was that a few of the original artists seem to have made it "easy" or "quickly" on wide scale. I think that a few may have been spotlighted to some acclaim when the site gained media attention, however overall I'd say that nothing is really as easy as it seems. Everything requires due diligence.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Studio Happenings

All new, cotton velvets have arrived. Alas, must re-source the black, as it was canceled due to demand.
Check out the new Ophelia's Chamber banner, created by Sea Dream Studio. It's gorgeous!
Spring Cleaning in the studio is nearly complete. There has been a massive reorganization period, and I simply can't wait to get to work. New postings should be by the end of this week.